
发布日期:2017-10-18 作者: 编辑: 点击:

姓名: 李光玉
职称: 教授
所在系别: 金属材料工程系
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士

所在学科专业: 金属材料
所研究方向: 薄膜涂层;有色金属材料;生物医用材料及激光加工技术
讲授课程: 本科生:“固态相变原理”,“工程材料”,“试验优化设计”
教育经历: 1983.9-1987.7 吉林工业大学获工学学士学位
1987.7-1990.7 吉林工业大学获工学硕士学位
2003.06-2006.6 437ccm必赢国际获工学博士学位
工作经历: 1990.9 吉林工业大学讲师
2004.9 吉林工业大学副教授
2008.9 437ccm必赢国际教授
2010.9 437ccm必赢国际博士导师
科研项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目:HAP/Mg复合材料制备、表面改性及其生物降解与诱导成骨机理研究,31070841,2010-2013,33万,负责人;
长春市科技发展计划重点项目:环保型镁合金防腐涂层产业化关键技术研究 ,2007K209,2007-2009,20万,第二负责人。
学术论文: 2004年以来发表的SCI、EI检索论文:
[1] Guangyu Li, Liyuan Niu, Jianshe Lian, Zhonghao Jiang, A black phosphate coating for C1008 steel, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2004, 176, 215–221.
[2] G.-Y. LI, J.-S. LIAN, L.-Y. NIU AND Z.-H. JIANG, A Zinc and Manganese Phosphate Coating on Automobile Iron Castings, ISIJ International, 2005, 45(9), 1326-1330.
[3] G.Y. Li, J.S. Lian, L.Y. Niu, Z.H. Jiang, Investigation of nanocrystalline zinc–nickel alloy coatings in an alkaline zincate bath, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2005, 191, 59– 67.
[4] G.Y. Li, J.S. Lian, L.Y. Niu, Z.H. Jiang, Q. Jiang, Growth of zinc phosphate coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 201(3-4), 1814–1820.
[5] J. S. Lian, G. Y. Li, L. Y. Niu, C. D. Gu, Z. H. Jiang, Q. Jiang, Electroless Ni-P deposition plus zinc phosphate coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 200, 5956-5962.
[6] G. Y. Li, J. S. Lian, L. Y. Niu and Z. H. Jiang, Influence of pH of phosphating bath on the zinc phosphate coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2006, 8(1-2.), 123-127.
[7] NIU Li-yuan, LI Guang-yu, JIANG Zhong-hao, SUN Li-ping, HAN Dong, LIAN Jian-she,Influence of sodium metanitrobenzene sulphonate on structures and surface morphologies of phosphate coating on AZ91D, Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2006,16(3),567-571.
[8] LI Guangyu, NIU Liyuan, LIAN Jianshe, JIANG Qing, JIANG Zhonghao, Study on Electroless Ni-P Deposition on Magnesium Alloy from a Sulfate Bath,  Journal of Wuhan University of Technology - Mater. Sci. Ed., 2008, 23(1), 60-64.
[9] 李光玉, 连建设, 牛丽媛, 江中浩,蒋青, AZ91D镁合金上钼改性锌系磷化膜的制备与研究, 高等学校化学学报, 2006, 27(5), 817-820.
[10] Xiaoming Chen, Guangyu Li, Jianshe Lian, Qing Jiang,Study of the formation and growth of tannic acid based conversion coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy,Surf. & Coat. Technol., 2009, 204, 736– 747.
[11] CHEN Xiao-ming, LI Guang-yu, LIAN Jian-she,Organic-magnesium complex coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy,Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2010, 20, s555-560.
[12] FANG Da-qing, JIANG Zhong-hao, BI Guang-li, LI Rong-guang, LI Guang-yu, Microstructures and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-1Mn-3.5Y and Mg-1Mn- 1Y-2.5Nd alloys,Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2010, 20, s643-647.
[13] SU Zhen-guo,NIU Xiao-dong,AN Jian,LI Guang-yu,Tensile properties of hot rolled Mg97Zn1Y2 alloy sheets at elevated temperatures,Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2010, 20, 43-46.
[14] Guoyong Wang, Guangyu Li, Lei Zhao, Jianshe Lian., Zhonghao Jiang, Qing Jiang,The origin of the ultrahigh strength and good ductility in nanotwinned copper,Mat Sci & Eng. 2010, A527, 4270–4274.
[15] Li Guang-Yu, Lian, Jian-She, Niu Li-Yuan, Jiang Zhong-Hao, Microstructure and performances of nanocrystalline zinc-nickel alloy coatings, Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2004, 25(5), 1275-1278.
[16] 李光玉, 连建设, 江中浩, 牛丽媛, 刘先黎, 锌铝涂层的研究开发与应用, 金属热处理, 2003, 28(9), 8-12.
[17] 牛丽媛, 李光玉*,江中浩,孙丽萍,韩冬,连建设,镁合金镀镍磷合金及无铬前处理工艺的研究,437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2006,2,148-152.
[18] Q. F. GUAN, G. Y. LI, H. Y. WANG, J. AN, Friction-wear characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced friction material, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2004, 39, 641-643
[19] Zhonghao Jiang, Guangyu Li, Jianshe Lian, Xiangdong Ding, Jun Sun, Elastic–plastic stress transfer in short .bre-reinforced metal–matrix composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2004, 64, 1661–1670.
[20] Changdong Gu, Jianshe Lian, Guangyu Li, Liyuan Niu, Zhonghao Jiang, Electroless Ni–P plating on AZ91D magnesium alloy from a sulfate solution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005, 391, 104–109.
[21] Changdong Gu, Jianshe Lian, Guangyu Li, Liyuan Niu, Zhonghao Jiang, High corrosion-resistant Ni-P Ni Ni-P multilayer coatings on steel, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2005, 197, 61– 67.
[22] L.Y. Niu, Z.H. Jiang, G.Y. Li, C.D. Gu, J.S. Lian, A study and application of zinc phosphate coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 200, 3021– 3026.
[23] GU Chang-dong, LIAN Jian-she, LI Guang-yu, NIU Li-yuan, JIANG Zhong-hao, Direct Electroless Nickel Plating on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy from a Sulfate Solution and its Deposition Mechanism, TRANSACTIONS OF MATERIALS AND HEAT TREATMENT, 2004, 25(5), 1098-1101.
[24] 李光玉,牛丽媛,江中浩,孙丽萍,连建设, 电流密度对纳米锌镍合金镀层显微组织的影响, 437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2006,36(6):835-840.
[25] 李朝辉,连建设,李光玉*,柠檬酸与金属离子的摩尔比对溶胶-凝胶法合成NiO/Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9复合纳米粉的影响,437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2006,36(S1),79-83.
[26] Zhonghao Jiang, Xianli Liu, Hanzhuo Zhang, Guangyu Li, Jianshe Lian, An analytical model for elastic stress field distribution in fibre composite with partially debonded interface, Composites Science and Technology, 2005, 65, 1176–1194.
[27] Zhonghao Jiang, Xianli Liu, Guangyu Li, Jianshe Lian, A new analytical model for three-dimensional elastic stress field distribution in short fibre composite, Materials Science and Engineering 2004,A366, 381–396.
[28] Zhonghao Jiang, Xianli Liu, Guangyu Li, Qing Jiang, and Jianshe Lian, Strain rate sensitivity of a nanocrystalline Cu synthesized by electric brush, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88, 143115 (2006).
[29] Li Guang-yu, Niu Li-yuan, Jiang Zhong-hao, Gu Chang-dong, Lian Jian-she, Direct electroless Ni-P deposition on AM50 magnesium alloy from a sulfate bath,Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2006, 16: S65-S69.
[30] Li Guang-yu, Lian Jian-she,Niu Li-yuan, Jiang Zhong-hao, Microstructure and property of zinc phosphate coating on die-casting magnesium alloy AZ91D,Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2006, 16: S70-S74.
[31] G.Y. Li, J.S. Lian, L.Y. Niu, Z.H. Jiang, H. Dong, Effect of zinc–phosphate–molybdate conversion precoating on performance of cathode epoxy electrocoat on AZ91D alloy, Surf. Eng., 2007, 23(1): 56-61.
[32] 李朝辉,李光玉*,高冬梅,连建设,中温燃料电池阴极材料Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3的合成与应用,哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2006, 27(6): 918-922.
[33] 董文,王海东,李光玉*,谈俭军, Nd:YAG脉冲激光氧化Cr膜的微观表面研究, 437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2007,37(1):17-21.
[34] 张会平,江中浩,刘先黎,连建设,侯旭峰,李光玉*, 玻璃表面化学镀纳米铜膜的研究, 437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2007,37(1):11-16.
[35] 连建设,李光玉,牛丽媛,镁合金表面的锌系磷化及阴极电泳,江苏大学学报(自然科学版),2007,28(1): 37-40.
[36] Li, G. Y., Lian, J. S., Liu, X. L., Jiang, Z. H.  Solutions of elastic stress field in fiber composites, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on enhancement and promotion of computational methods in engineering science and mechanics, 2006, 343-349.
[37] Lian Jianshe, Gu Changdong, Li Guangyu, Jiang Qing. Strain rate sensitivity and activation volume of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-Co alloys, RARE METALS, 2007, 26(S):134-138.
[38] 刘耀东,李光玉,连建设,铝掺杂氧化锌薄膜的电学及光学性能,437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2007,37(3):495-498.
[39] 张含卓,江中浩,连建设,李光玉,电流密度对电沉积纳米晶铜工艺及显微组织的影响,437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2007,37(5):1074-1077.
[40] 李光玉, 程仲基, 牛丽媛, 连建设, AZ91D镁合金化学镀Ni-P/Ni-W-P双层镀层研究,材料科学与工艺,2009,17(4), 527-530.
[41] 林化强, 赵洋, 李丁园, 李光玉, 脉冲电流对Ti-6Al-4V合金显微组织及力学性能的影响,437ccm必赢国际学报(工学版),2008,38(5), 1060-1064.
[42] 赵洋, 李光玉, 胡尚伟, 变质处理对MB2镁合金挤压变形前后组织与性能的影响,特种铸造及有色合金,2008,28(6), 439-441.
著作教材: “工程材料”, 机械工业出版社,2006.5,参编


