
发布日期:2017-10-18 作者: 编辑: 点击:

姓名: 李晓天  
职称: 教授
所在系别: 材料科学系
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士

所在学科专业: 材料物理与化学
所研究方向: 磁回收光催化材料、硅基和非硅基介孔材料、主客体功能复合材料
讲授课程: 物理化学(本科)、主客体功能复合材料(研究生)
教育经历: 1984、7-1989、7    437ccm必赢国际电子科学与工程系               本科生
1989、7-1992、7    437ccm必赢国际电子科学与工程系               硕士生
1996、8-2000、7    437ccm必赢国际化学学院,
                  无机合成与制备国家重点实验室           博士生
2003、3、25-2003、5、25  日本山犁大学晶体研究中心高级访问学者
工作经历: 1992、7-1994、9    437ccm必赢国际材料科学系                   助教授
1994、9-1999、12   437ccm必赢国际材料科学系                   讲  师
1999、12-2001、9   437ccm必赢国际           副教授
2001、9-           437ccm必赢国际           教  授
2003、11           437ccm必赢国际           博士导师
2007、12-          437ccm必赢国际           3级教授

科研项目: ①国家自然科学基金面上项目“带有纳米Fe3O4芯核的介孔TiO2包覆型光催化材料的制备与性能研究”,项目批准号:21076094,2011、01-2013、12,35万,课题负责人。
学术论文: 1.Yue Chi, Qing Yuan, Yanjuan Li, Jinchun Tu, Liang Zhao, Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2–Ag magnetic nanocomposite based on small-sized and highly dispersed silver nanoparticles for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 383 (2012) 96–102.
2.Qing Yuan; Nan Li; Wangchang Geng; Yue Chi; Xiaotian Li, Preparation of magnetically recoverable Fe3O4@SiO2@meso-TiO2 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic ability, Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (2012) 2396–2402.
3.Yue Chi, Liang Zhao, Qing Yuan, Xiao Yan, Yanjuan Li, Nan Li and Xiaotian Li, In situ auto-reduction of silver nanoparticles in mesoporous carbon with multifunctionalized surfaces, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 13571.
4.Yue Chi, Liang Zhao, Qing Yuan, Yanjuan Li, Jienan Zhang, Jinchun Tu, Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Facile encapsulation of monodispersed silver nanoparticles in mesoporous compounds, Chemical Engineering Journal 195-196 (2012) 254–260.
5.Liang Zhao, Yue Chi, Qing Yuan, Nan Li, Wenfu Yan, Xiaotian Li, Phosphotungstic acid anchored to amino–functionalized core–shell magnetic mesoporous silica microspheres: A magnetically recoverable nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 390 (2013) 70–77.
6.Yue Chi, Wangchang Geng, Liang Zhao, Xiao Yan, Qing Yuan,Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Comprehensive Study of Mesoporous Carbon Functionalized with Carboxylate Groups and Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Promising Adsorbent, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 369 (2012) 366–372.
7.Yanjuan Li, Nan Li, Xiao Yan, Yue Chi, Qing Yuan and Xiaotian Li, One-step hydrothermal synthesis of MoS2 nano-flowers with high surface area and crystalline, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 531-532 (2013) pp 508-511.
8.Mina Guli, Li Zhang, Jianxi Yao, Xiaotian Li, Effect of template-removing methods and modication to mesoporous blank silica and composited silica, PowderTechnology 219 (2012) 271275.
9.Wei Wang, Yuan Qing, Yue Chi, Changlu Shao,Li Nan, Xiaotian Li, Preparation and Photocatalysis of Mesoporous TiO2 Nanofibers via an Electrospinning Technique, Chem. Res. Chinese Universities, 2012, 28(4), 727-731.
10 Wei Wang, Nan Li, Yue Chi, Yanjuan Li, Wenfu Yan, Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao,Electrospinning of magnetical bismuth ferrite nanofibers with photocatalytic activity,Ceramics International,DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.10.175.
11.Yanjuan Li, Nan Li, Jinchun Tu, Xiaotian Li, Beibei Wang, Yue Chi, Darui Liu, Dianfan Yang, TiO2 supported on rod-like mesoporous silica SBA-15: Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic behaviour Materials Research Bulletin 46 (2011) 2317-2322.
12.Qing Yuan, Nan Li, Wangchang Geng, Yue Chi, Jinchun Tu, Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Humidity sensing properties of mesoporous iron oxide/silica composite prepared via hydrothermal process, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 160 (2011) 334-340.
13.Mina Guli, Dingke Zhang, Dongge Ma, Xiaotian Li, Jianxi Yao, Synthesis and characterization of structure optimized film doped with Rhodamine 6G, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol 59 (2011):169(R)C17.
14.GULI Mi-na, CHEN Yu-ning and LI Xiao-tian, Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous  Titanium Dioxide Spheres, CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNIVERSITIE 2011, 27(3), 350353.
15.白凤英, 吕晓, 李晓天等, 以吲哚乙酸及邻菲啰啉为配体的镉配合物的合成、结构、荧光性质与抑菌活性的研究,无机化学学报,2011,正在出版中。
16.白凤英, 李晓天, 朱广山等,维生素B1双磷盐分子的晶体结构与分子构象分析, 2008, 中国化学会第26届学术年会无机与配位化学分会场论文集
17.古丽米娜,陈悦,李晓天,姚建曦,介孔SBA-15的形貌控制合成及负载染料后其光学性能研究,化学学报 2011年第69卷第23期,2827-2834。
18.裘式纶,朱广山,李晓天,“新型规则纳米孔材料的分子工程” (获奖号:2008-Z-103-2-04-R03),国家自然科学二等奖,获奖时间:2008年12月3日,授予单位:中华人民共和国国务院。
19.裘式纶,朱广山,李晓天,“纳米孔道材料的合成、组装与性质研究” (获奖号:061001003),吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖,获奖时间:2006年12月31日,授予单位:吉林省科学技术进步奖励委员会。
20.Mina Guli, Xiaotian Li, K Zhang, Y Chi, Photoluminescence and laser properties of mesostructured SBA-15 monolith doped with coumarin 151, JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 54(2010) 329-334.
21.Jinchun Tu, Nan Li, Xiaoyong Lai, Yue Chi, Yujie Zhang, Wei Wang, Xiaotian Li, Jixue Li, Shilun Qiu, H2S-sensing properties of Pt-doped mesoporous indium oxide, Applied Surface Science 256 (2010) 5051–5055.
22.F. Y. Bai, X. T. Li, G. S. Zhu, Y. H. Xing, Synthesis and structure of a new scorpionate-dithio carboxyl oxovanadium complex and an organic dithio carboxyl compound, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 75 (2010) 1388–1393.
23.Qing Yuan, Nan Li, Jinchun Tu, Xiaotian Li, Rui Wang, Tong Zhang, Changlu Shao, Preparation and humidity sensitive property of mesoporous ZnO–SiO2 composite, Sensors and Actuators B 149 (2010) 413–419.
24.Yue Chi, Nan Li, Jinchun Tu, Yujie Zhang, Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Encapsulation of dye molecules into mesoporous polymerresinand mesoporous polymer-silica films by an evaporation-induced self-assemblymethod Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 512–515.
25.Mina Guli, Xiaotian Li, Yue Chen, Hong Ding, Jixue Li, Shilun Qiu, Encapsulation of Coumarin 151 into the mesopores of modified rodlike SBA-15, Materials Research Bulletin 45 (2010) 1–5.
26.Feng Ying Bai, Xiao Tian Li, Hai Yan Zhao, et al., Syntheses, structures, an properties of supramolecular complexes with bipyridine and amino-Schiff-base derived from salicyla- ldehyde with glycine, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, 62(20):3391-3400.
27.Qing Yuan, Wangchang Geng, Nan Li, Jinchun Tu, Rui Wang, Tong Zhang, Xiaotian Li, Study on humi6dity sensitive property of K2CO3-SBA-15 composites, Applied Surface Science 256 (2009) 280–283.
28.Jinchun Tu, Nan Li, Yue Chi, Songnan Qu, Chunxu Wang, Qing Yuan, Xiaotian Li, Shilun Qiu, The study of photoluminescence properties of Rhodamine B encapsulated in mesoporous silica, Materials Chemistry and Physics 118 (2009) 273–276.
29.Jinchun Tu, Nan L, Qing Yuan, Rui Wang, Wangchang Geng, Yanjuan Li, Tong Zhang, Xiaotian Li, Humidity-sensitive property of Fe2+ doped polypyrrole, Synthetic Metals 159 (2009) 2469–2473.
30.白凤英, 李晓天, 系列双磷维生素B1离子盐化合物的合成、结构与分子构象,高等学校化学学报,Vol. 30, 2009年10月, No. 10, 1919-1924.
31.Rui Wang, Xiangwei Liu, Yuan He, Qing Yuan, Xiaotian Li, Geyu Lu, Tong Zhang, The humidity-sensitive property of MgO-SBA-15 composites in one-pot synthesis, Sensors and Actuators B 145 (2010) 386–393.
32.Xiaoyong Lai, Xiaotian Li*, Wangchang Geng, Jinchun Tu, Jixue Li, and Shilun Qiu, Ordered Mesoporous Copper Oxide with Crystalline Walls, Angew. Chem. 119 (2007) 752-755.
33.Jinchun Tu, RuiWang,Wangchang Geng, Xiaoyong Lai, Tong Zhang, Nan Li, Nailin Yue, Xiaotian Li*, Humidity sensitive property of Li-doped 3D periodic mesoporous silica SBA-16, Sensors and Actuators B 136 (2009) 392–398.
34.Xiaoyong Lai, Hong Wang, Dan Mao, Nailiang Yang, Jianxi Yao, Chaojian Xing, Dan Wang, Xiaotian Li*, Mesoporous indium oxide synthesized via a nanocasting route, Materials Letters 62 (2008) 3868–3871.
35.Tong Zhang, Yuan He, Rui Wang, Wangchang Geng, Lijie Wang, Li Gang Niu, Xiaotian Li, Analysis of dc and ac properties of humidity sensor based on polypyrrole materials, Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 687–691.
36.Wangchang Geng, Nan Li, Xiaotian Li*, Xiaoyong Lai, Lifeng Wang, Beihong Long, Jiajia Ning, Jinchun Tu, Shilun Qiu, Synthesis and Photoluminescent Prope rties of Mesoporous (MgO)x(ZnO)1-x Materials, Materials Research Bulletin, 43 (2008) 601–610.
37.WANG Hong, LAI Xiao-Yong, XIA Wei, YU Ran-bo, MAO Dan, XING Chao-jian, Yao Jian-xi, WANG Dan and LI Xiao-Tian, Preparation of Ferrihydrites via Various Routes and Their Electrode Performances in Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITES, 2008,24(3),383-384.
38.Tong Zhang, Rui Wang, Wangchang Geng, Xiaotian Li, Qi Qi, Yuan He, Shujuan Wang, Study on Humidity Sensing Properties Based on Composite Materials of Li-Doped Mesoporous Silica A-SBA-15, Sensors and Actuators B, 128 (2008) 482–487.
39.Wangchang Geng, Rui Wang, Xiaotian Li*, Yongcun Zou, Tong Zhang, Jinchun Tu, Yuan He, Nan Li, Humidity sensitive property of Li-doped mesoporous silica SBA-15, Sensors and Actuators B, 127 (2007) 323–329.
40.Wangchang Geng, Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Rui Wang, Jinchun Tu, Tong Zhang, Effect of Polymerization Time on the Humidity Sensing Properties of Polypyrrole, Sensors and Actuators B 125 (2007) 114–119.
41.Mina Guli, Yue Chen, Xiaotian Li, Guangshan Zhu, Shilun Qiu, Fluorescence of Postgrafting Rhodamine B in the Mesopores of Rodlike SBA-15, Journal of Luminescence 126 (2007) 723–727.
42.Xuelian Bai, Xiaotian Li, Nan Li, Yan Zuo, Lifeng Wang, Jixue Li, Shilun Qiu, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline Nanorod Clusters via a Binary Oxidant System, Materials Science and Engineering C 27 (2007) 695–699.
43.白雪莲, 李晓天, 李楠, 张彤, 负载LiCl的自组装聚苯胺纳米管的湿敏性质研究, 《东北师大学报》(自然科学版),Vol. 38, No. 3, September 2006, 82-86.
44.陈悦, 李晓天, 李楠, 古丽米娜, 赵岚, 朱广山, 裘式纶, 溶剂挥发法制备具有光致发光特性的掺杂激光染料介孔薄膜, 高等学校化学学报,Vol. 27, 2006年9月,1618-1620。
45.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Wei Wang, Wangchang Geng, Shilun Qiu, “Blue-shifting photoluminescence of Tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium encapsulated in the channel of functionalized mesoporous silica SBA-15”, Mater. Chem. Phys. 100 (2006) 128–131.
46.Wangchang Geng, Xiaotian Li, Nan Li, Tong Zhang, Wei Wang, Shilun Qiu, “Humidity Sensitivity of Polypyrrole and Polypyrrole SBA-15 Host–Guest Composite Materials”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 102, 3301–3305 (2006).
47.Yan Zuo, Yan Zhao, Xiaotian Li, Shilun Qiu, “Synthesis of Alumina Nanowires and Nanorods by Anodic Oxidation Method”, Materials Letters 60 (2006) 2937–2940.
48.Wei Wang, Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Shilun Qiu, “Synthesis of metallic nanotube arrays in porous anodic aluminum oxide template through electroless deposition”, Materials Research Bulletin 41 (2006) 1417–1423.
49.陈悦,古丽米娜,李晓天,李楠,裘式纶, “负载激光染料香豆素151的MCM-41粉体及纤维的光学性质研究”, 高等学校化学学报,27 (3), 2006年3月, 397-400.
50.Yue Chen, Xiaotian Li, Feifei Gao, Shilun Qiu,*The fluorescence property of PNA encapsulated in the pores of orientedsilicalite-1 film prepared on MSS, Materials Letters 59 (2005) 2598 – 2600.
51.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Wei Wang, Shilun Qiu, “Mesoporous silica tubes fabricated with human hair as template”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 91 (2005) 223-226.
52.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Wangchang Geng, Lan Zhao, Guangshan Zhu, Runwei Wang, Shilun Qiu, “Template Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Mesoporous Silica SBA-15”, Materials Letters 59 (2005) 925-928.
53.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Tong Zhang, Yan Zuo, Wangchang Geng, Shilun Qiu, “Synthesis and Humidity Sensitivity of Conducting Polyaniline in SBA-15”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2004, 93, 1597-1601.
54.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Xiaoju Yin, Wei Wang, Shilun Qiu, “Electroless deposition of open-end Cu nanotube arrays”, Solid State Communications 2004, 132, 841-844.
55.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Tong Zhang, Shilun Qiu, Guangshan Zhu, Weitao Zheng, Wenxue Yu, “Host–guest composite materials of LiCl/NaY with wide range of humidity sensitivity” Materials Letters, 2004, 58, 1535– 1539.
56.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Lan Zhao, Yan Zuo, Guangshan Zhu, Shilun Qiu, “Template Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Mesoporous Silica SBA-15”, 4th International Mesoporous Materials Symposium, 2004.
57.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Yan Zuo, Chunlei Wang, Wangchang Geng, Guangshan Zhu, Shilun Qiu, “Blue-Shifting photoluminescence of tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium encapsulated in the channel of functionalized SBA-15”, 4th International Mesoporous Materials Symposium, 2004.
58.Nan Li, Xiaotian Li, Yan Zuo, Wangchang Geng, Shilun Qiu, “Synthesis and Humidity-Sensitivity of Polyaniline/SBA-15 Composites”, 14th International Zeolite Conference, 2004.
59.Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Shilun Qiu, Feng-Shou Xiao, Weitao Zheng, Zenmin Liu, Osamu Terasaki, Blue Photoluminescence from SiC Nanoparticles Encapsulated in ZSM-5, Materials Lettes 48 (2001) 242-246.
60.Feifei Gao, Guangshan Zhu, Xiaotian Li, Shilun Qiu, Synthesis of a High-Quality Host Material: Zeolite MFI Giant Single Crystal from Monocrystalline Silicon Slice,J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105, 12704-12708.
61.Feifei Gao, Xiaotian Li, Guangshan Zhu, Shilun Qiu, Changlu Shao, The Synthesis of Offretite Single Crystals in the System Containing Pyrocatechol or F-, Materials Letters 48 (2001)1-7.
62.Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Shilun Qiu, Feng-Shou Xiao, and Osamu Terasaki, Light-emitting BN, Si, and SiC Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Molecular Sieves,  Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 135 (2001) 161A.
63.Feifei Gao, Guangshan Zhu, Xiaotian Li, Shilun Qiu,The Synthesis of Offretite Single Crystals Using Pyrocatechol as Complex Agent, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 135 (2001) 330.
65.Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Shilun Qiu, Feng-Shou Xiao, Weitao Zheng, Pinliang Ying, and Osamu Terasaki, Light-emitting Boron Nitride Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Zeolite ZSM-5, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 40 (2000) 263-269.
66.Xiaotian Li, Changlu Shao, Shilun Qiu, Feng-Shou Xiao, Weitao Zheng, and Osamu Terasaki, BN and Si Nanostructures: Preparation and Visible Photoluminescence Properties, Materials Letters 44 (2000) 341-346.
67.李晓天,邵长路,裘式纶,肖丰收,有机硅结构导向剂法合成ZSM-5分子筛,高等学校化学学报,21 (5), 2000年5月, 683-685.
68.李晓天,邵长路,丁红,张彤,李楠,裘式纶,肖丰收,LiCl/NaY主客体复合材料的制备及其湿敏性质研究,高等学校化学学报,21, 2000年8月, 1167-1170.
获奖情况: 1. 裘式纶,朱广山,李晓天,“新型规则纳米孔材料的分子工程” (获奖号:2008-Z-103-2-04-R03),国家自然科学二等奖,获奖时间:2008年12月3日,授予单位:中华人民共和国国务院。
2. 裘式纶,朱广山,李晓天,“纳米孔道材料的合成、组装与性质研究” (获奖号:061001003),吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖,获奖时间:2006年12月31日,授予单位:吉林省科学技术进步奖励委员会。
治学格言: 开心就好

